Best price guarantee
Tour Operator: Madeira Island Tours 4 hours Travel method:   Walking Region / Starts from: Madeira

Sugar Cane Route - Ponta do Sol

Every Wednesday


Person (+12 years old): 29€


  • 2 hours


  • The beautiful landscapes are one of the main features of this walk. Between valleys and mountains, hikers can delight themselves with the magnificent views that arise, over the villages of Ribeira Brava. and sugar cane plantations comprise a unique landscape. A unique landscape comprised by small settlements and plantations.
  • Moreover, this path allows you to discover the cultures and traditions of Madeira, as you can see here and there some farmland carefully crafted by their owners. The fruits and vegetables adorn the surroundings with its fresh and characteristic aroma. A Easy Levada walk for All Ages!

Distance - 6.2 km
Walking Time - 2.5 hours
Pick up Time: - 8h15/8h45

Best price guarantee
No hidden costs
Customers will receive a full refund or credit with 24 hours notice of cancellation. Customers will also receive a full refund or credit in case of operator cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances. Contact us by phone to cancel or inquire about a cancellation. No-shows will be charged the full price.
Important information
PICK UP TIME - Starting from 08h20min to 09h00

In case you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Don’t forget to bring sunscreen, a hat, and comfortable shoes!